Working With The Codes

Coding Alignment is a process of unfolding and connecting with deeper layers and understanding of all that you are.  It assists in gaining a greater insight into how we function in this world; and how we interact with everything in it.  Some like to see this as a personal blueprint, and others like a portal that connects you with the Divine; putting you in flow and removing the resistances that create struggles and challenges in life.

How many times have you wanted to have some sort of guidebook to help you make decisions, know which way to go, or understand if a situation or person will work for you in your life.  Coding Alignment allows us to see the truth in anything and everything and thus have foresight so that we can make wiser decisions along the way.  It removes the box of programming and allows us to function and exist as our own true authentic self.  Creating a connection with Divine flow allows us to fully experience life, and to do and create the experiences that we love and that will work for us.  It opens the door to being the spark of spirit that we are here to be.  Learn more about Code Discovery in my video at:

Learn more about these services onmy offerings page

Purchase Code Alignment Services at:

* Note purchase page refers to this as an event; this is simply the way the payment page is set up.  It will ask you to select a date when purchasing.  Simply select the first available date; and we will make arrangements outside of this.  This system requires the date to put the payment through; however, you are not held to this date, as that is something I set up with you separaely.

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"I work with Jesse and her coding is brilliant. She draws wisdom from so many perspectives that are continually spot on! The information and guidance she shares has provided clarity and insights to empower me personally and expand my business easily and effortlessly. I know my income has opened so many income streams because of work I have done with her. This woman knows stuff! She is becoming more and more sought out by people so go hire her" ~ Lorraine Cohen, One Heart Coaching, Inner Grace Healing, and Higher Light Channeling

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​The Foundational Interpretation is our starting point.  In this information you will receive numerous basics that will allow you to activate your codes in loving and divine flow.  This is the starting point before delving into any area of life.  As I work with you be it in further options or in an advisor capacity or at a retreat; we will refer to this information.  Here you will receive knowledge about the natural cycle and way that your energy flows in the world.

You will gain insight into the way you function, allowing you to better understand why things have worked in your life and why they have been challenging.  This will open the door to connecting with your authentic self.  I also include for you "fun" things like totem animals, directions, seasons, elements, astrological signs, planets, days of the week, months of the year, and angels archangels and sephirah that you are connected with.

We will begin with an initial conversation where I will get the information needed; which is your full legal name and your full birth name.  After that I will compile together the information and email it to you.  Once you have had a few days to process the information and create the questions that you have regarding the information we will schedule a followup conversation to review the information and get your questions answered.


The world of Coding Alignment is literally limitless.  Whatever you would like to explore in your life can be explored.  We can look into personal relationships; learning the dynamic between you and another individual be it family, friend, or intimate.  We can explore career fields and companies for compatibility; and focusing on where to apply for a job.  We can look into health and nutrition, finding those foods that will work better with your body as well as putting you in alignment to create blessings in your life instead of challenges.

We can gain a greater understanding of the role of physical challenges in your life.  Perhaps you are an entrepreneur or coach looking to thrive in your business, I can work with you on that too.  Even, in the capacity of Feng Shui and space alignment as it flows for your energy.  Whatever you desire to explore we can look into.

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“Jesse An Nichols George’s Code Interpretation work has been just phenomenal for improving both my personal and business life. Through her natural intuitive gifts and Code Interpretation she has helped me in so many areas of my business, such as my website, my Radiance Circle group and my #1 Bestselling book “Embraced by the Divine.” She works tirelessly to find the most favourable coding for you so your presentation in word, colour and image captures your unique essence. Even something like finding the right fonts and colours for your website can make a huge difference to its energy and the clients you attract. She can even give you the dates, months and days that are most favourably coded for you to launch new programs, run workshops or do an interview. The scope of Jesse’s coding work is only limited by your imagination. Highly recommended!”Michelle Mayur #1 Bestselling Author – Healer – Speaker

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Coding Alignment is a great opportunity for Entrepreneurs, Small Businesses, and Large Companies.  Here I can work with you on a variety of aspects depending on your goals and needs.  I am always amazed at how even small changes in wording or terminology can make all the difference in business happening or not; or how well things fall into place for that business.  In this work, I often will look at the titles and terminology being used on the website, for programs, and for employees.  Imagine if you could know the truth about an employee beyond what their resume states, or if they are working in the "right" area of your company; and what about who is truly suited for positions higher up in a company.

I have found that it is very useful for a company to incorporate color palettes, elements, and themes that code with the company.  I have worked with many to find the best days for meetings, initiating new aspects of a business, creating successful events, and growing the business through helping people feel a welcoming and compatible energy instead of a tense or conflicting energy.  Businesses know that when things are in harmony and synchronized true growth can happen that allows the business to truly thrive authentically and effortlessly; bringing in the greatly valued word of mouth clients and customers. Prices for this work are based on the needs and focus for the business; and are estimated on a case by case basis.

Jesse An Nichols George​

Working With Me

"Jesse is a Gorgeous Force to be reckoned with! her dedication to Bringing the Truth and sharing this Truth to the World is awe-inspiring. The Calm Presence of her Being, her dedication to knowledge and wisdom and her Big Beautiful generous Heart. Jesse wears many hats and they are all made with integrity, wisdom, compassion and deep knowledge. Connect with Jesse and she will guide you to your True Self.  Thank you Jesse for all that you bring to our world. Much Love, Mary Finnerty"

Learn More on Me

Coding Alignment

We're dedicated to mastering the art of landscaping. You supply the vision, and we'll do the rest.